Using Clustering and a Neural Network to Classify Beans
Let's talk about beans.

That's right Gob, beans. They're the little hard things that people boil until they're soft and then eat. They're full of protein and they taste pretty good. You can boil them, mash and refry them, and even stick them in a soup. They're pretty versatile. But how do you tell what type of bean is what? Some researchers, Murat Koklu and Ilker Ali Ozkan, wanted to teach computers how to tell apart different kind of beans. They made a computer vision system which can tell us 16 things about beans. This information includes things like area, the length of the bean, the roundness, and an additional four quantified descriptors called shape factors. There are seven different types of beans that we are trying to distinguish. But this task isn't necessarily simple. Let's look at some plots to see why.
Looking at this graph, we have a lot of overlap in our beans. The bombay beans are further out, but the rest tend to cluster together pretty closely. This means that any technique we apply will have difficulty separating these beans from each other. But thankfully, we have 14 more dimensions we can look at. Unfortunately, our monitors have difficulty showing even four dimensional images. We can mitigate this problem using something called Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Principal Component Analysis
Principal component analysis is a technique that we can use to reduce the number of important dimensions in our data. The technique works by finding a combination of dimensions that vary the most. For example, if the area and the length of the bean varied much more than the other variables, we might get a principal component that is nearly a one-to-one combination of those two variables. This means that instead of having two big variables, we can explain that change with only one variable which is a combination of those two. This a very simplistic explanation of PCA. For a more thorough explanation check out this YouTube video here
The upside of all that is that we can perform PCA on our bean data to get two variables which explains the most about the variance in our data and is easy to plot. So here's what we get:
We can see the beans are still pretty clustered. The Bombay beans are off doing their own thing but the rest are pretty tightly clumped. This means that two principal components are not enough to separate our data. So what if we try three?
If you look around, you can see that they're still clustered, but that they seem to have sort of their own regions in 3D space. This is good news, because it will mean that we can separate our data and we should be able to classify them. So let's try some classification.
k-means Clustering
k-means clustering is a process where we try to breakup our data into k clusters. This is an unsupervised learning algorithm, which means we don't tell it the labels we're trying to predict, we just see what it can uncover on its own. So, after finding the clusters we will project back into PCA space so that we can see the results. So without further ado, here are our clusters in two and three dimensions:
It looks like this algorithm is having some difficulty with this data. It thinks that the Bombay cluster is actually two separate clusters. It makes sense since that cluster is so much larger than the others, but it isn't very help for classification. In three dimensions it looks a little bit better if you click on the legend to only look at certain types of beans at once. So it might work, but in three dimensions we don't have enough information to accurately classify these beans. So let's trying something more advanced.
Neural Networks
That's right, we're going to use a neural network to classify beans. It's not much but it's honest work. Just a quick word, neural networks, work by having lots of little nodes, these nodes receive an input, which is weighted, and then transformed into an output. The simplest version of this might just be to add together all of the input and pass that on. We use lots of these nodes to to form a network with multiple layers. And if we have enough of these nodes we can learn most functions. How do we learn you ask? We train the network. We make lots of predictions and then see how wrong we are. We then change the weights in the node so that we're a little bit more right. If we do this for long enough, the network learns what it's representing and can make accurate predictions.
If you're wondering about the technical details, here they are. I used tensorflow and keras to create a neural network with 16 inputs. I used three dense hidden layers with 128 nodes each. The first layer used relu for its activation function and the last two used a sigmoid activation function. Finally, the output layer was another layer with seven outputs which was transformed into a probability of each bean using softmax. I used categorical crossentropy for the loss function, and the adam optimizer for training. I trained each model for 20 epochs and had withheld 1/4 of the data for testing.
Training Results
The first model I trained, after normalizing the data, only had an accuracy of 63% which is fairly low. Looking at the classification report, the model was able to classify some beans with 100% accuracy, while for one it was as low as 24%. So there's a lot of room to improve since the the original researchers were able to get accuracy as 93%.
So what did I do next? Well, all that talk about principal component analysis is going to come back now. PCA can be used to reduce the dimensionality of your dataset, but it can also be used to preprocess it so that your machine learning algorithms can work a little better. So instead of training my next network on the raw data I performed PCA and whitening. What is whitening? If you remember how I said that PCA finds combinations of variables that explain the most variance in the data. We can create the same number of these combinations as original variables. So we're going to make 16 of these principal components. We can take these combinations and normalize them so they're all the same size. This means that they all have the same variance. Intuitively, this means that smaller difference are now just as important as large differences. And since we're trying to classify these beans which are very closely related, these small difference may be very important.
So how well did whitening work? The network was able to achieve 96% accuracy. This is three points higher than they were able to in their original paper. We can check out the whitened versions of the PCA beans in the figures below to see why this works a little.
They look very similar to what we have above. But if you look at the axes, you can see that they are much smaller. Instead of going to several thousand, they only go from -1 to 7. This makes it much easier for the neural network to train on this data and also helps separate the clouds in higher dimensions.
My neural network was able to achieve an accuracy of 96%. This is slightly higher than what was previously reported in the paper. I was able to achieve this result using PCA and whitening to preprocess the data. K-mean clustering was not able to very reliably cluster these beans by type.
The data and original bean paper was written by Murat Koklu and Ilker Ali Ozkan. The paper was titled Multiclass classification of dry beans using computer vision and machine learning techniques and can be found here
The data can be found at the UCI machine learning repository here.